
Y Respect my blog, because this is not your blog.
Love me, hate me, you decide.

the girl


23sep nineteen

cam-whore geek

still counting...

at 16 Dec 2008! :)

voice out!

Way back then

March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
January 2009


Designer: Tammy
Brushes: Juvenile Casualty, Inobscuro, At0mica, Echoica, Veredgf, Puzzle,
Fonts: Dafont, Juvenile Casualty
Image: Deviantart
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Adobe Photoshop CS

Friday, January 02, 2009

I felt so naked for the first time, just like you're being force to run ard the street with bare body.

"Never explain yourself to anyone.
Because the person who likes you don't need it,
and the person who dislikes you won't believe it."

So whatever I'm saying here is not for anyone :)



extracts from

- Entry removed-

first of all, I'M VERYYY APPRECIATIVE when you mention that i resembles NICOLE RICHIE cause i like the way she is. UNPRETENTIOUS and DARE TO SAY WHAT SHE EXACTLY FEELS. apparently, something that this particular blogger that is mentioned here is unable to do.

If i'm pretentious and dare not say what i exactly feel, then I wouldn't have blog about my unhappiness in the first place and taking the risk of you reading it. In any case if I to dare say, I dare to admit. And I dare to speak up once felt the group should not work like that, cause I just wanna get things done.

second, i would love to return all your time that you've put in cause i pity you for not having time to party like i did. you have been missing out. but most of all, I PITY YOU cause while i worked smart and FAST, you were home struggling, cracking and pulling your hair outta your heads. honestly, my sympathy goes out to you. IT'S ALL ABOUT QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY!

Of course you can tok about QUALITY but NOT QUANTITY, coz with the amount of work, it's a sure thing that you can produce quality. But we gotta juggle like other half of 2 people's share of work, how to talk about quality? Just whack only la, but still maintain it with QC :)

Ok, you talk about QUALITY. The macro report that came back to me are so "stunning", with no charts or statistic to prove and I gotta chase you for that. Oh, the VIP card. You call that quality? You volunteer to design, We though that you are reliable, with possibility of coming up with something interesting. But what? Just the apple logo with the V.I.P wording on, that's it? Mei was even afraid that she'll hurt your feeling when she felt there's a need to change it, but I told her do whatever you think is the best for the group, come up with a design and we'll see how.

Maybe you are trying to tell me that the effort you put in is solely for your own individual work? tsktsk.

third, we are bimbos? i believed my results proved so. let's make a comparison of our year 2 work which mainly consists of individual work. mine was a low of 3.4 while PARIS HILTON is 3.15.

Okay, mainly consist of individual work as you mentioned it yourself. So you guys are really not a team player. Oh well! Just my luck!

fourth, simply take out all bimbo's designs and we'll see what you have left for the runway. on second thought, anthony (our product development lecturer) chose our designs over yours. but hey! bimbos can't think and what they have left are their creative juices, something you apparently lack.

I nvr admitted that designs are good, even to my friends. It is never my forte in the first place. That's when the so-called team work comes in when you're strong in design, and I contribute in other areas like packaging, try to co-ordinate the designs with the fabric to make them looks like a collection... etc. And not hissy pissy about why my designs are not chosen, blah blah blah. But that doesnt gif u a very good excuse of not initiating or contributing.

fifth, our brand concept (which is the area that outshine the rest and won us the award) consists of many ideas, brainstorming and outsourcing. while i was partying, the main checked fabric magically came up and i happen to buy it at ZOUK. you really think so? and while i was partying, the apple fabric that became our iconic fabric that we happen to used, justified and alligned with our concept, was, yet again, magically appeared while i was partying at butter factory. you really think so? if you do, i would think you're the bimbo. cause while i love to hang around S, we were walking around places like SPOTLIGHT, ARAB STREET and CHINA TOWN. i bet you didn't know cause unlike you. you were relentlessly bitching about our laziness and announcing to the WORLD WIDE WEB how much hard work you've put in.

But if me and mei never put in hardwork, will the branding thing work? WAH! a lot of brilliant ideas... tok and tok... end up who's doing it? it's US. Catalogue, paper bag, VIP card, powerpoint, bleaching denim, sourcing out for the right shoes... ok, i shd stop, in case i'm accused for being the one who is "calculative" again.

Okok, let's be realistic, we're not superwomen, u guys still gets credit of helping bits and pieces here and there.

sixth, come to think of it, it was PARIS HILTON's idea that became the theme of our whole final year project. and looking back now, what was your idea? CHEERLEADING? isn't that what a bimbo would do? OH! i guess they really meant it when they say, it takes one to know one. BIMBOSSSSSSSS ROCKSSSSS

Hahaha. thinking of it, i gotta say that was damn random and BIMBOTIC. Cause I totally have no idea what to do, and ready to go with the flow. An idea is still an idea, better than NONE. I'm luffing at myself when thinks of it too. HAHAHA. at least i noe and i admit :)

seventh, you went all the way to mediacorp? good for you! its too bad that your dad does not have the means to transport the furniture from there. i clearly remembered that i went to mediacorp with you and MY DAD. and MY DAD drove the lorry that enabled us to tranport it to NAFA and created such inconvenience to him and his very own company. and even though i left you guys and went to KL. MY DAD was still the one who drove it back to mediacorp. talking about responsibility that you said i lacked.

For that, I've to really THANK your dad, sincerely, for his help :) Since we did the sourcing, you guys can contribute by looking out for other alternative transportation of cheaper price range to save up our cost. This is part of your duty when working as a TEAM, I didnt force you to ask your dad to come and fetch the things. If you are really afraid that WE will bring inconvenience to YOUR DAD AND COMPANY, then I dun mind we share for the transport cost, just speak up next time! Oppsss.. sorry, no more next time, thank god!

Yes, YOUR DAD came back and deliver the things back to mediacorp. But whatever the things left in the studio?

The accessories, the files, the shoes especially. P left early, you are not even here in SG. We are flabbergasted when step into the studio. You guys only took whatever you want, left us with ALL THE RUBBISH to clear. Your product workshop project (which is like a total trash since u said u can work SMART and FAST, producing QUALITY work?), research files, stack and stack of papers, masking tapes, fabrics and many miscellaneous. And you still have the cheek to SMS me to ask where are the shoes and stuff when you're back. YOU CALL THIS RESPONSIBLE?

eighth, while we were presenting to the board of judges on both occasions, assessments and the booth exhibition, i answered all their further questions that they have. where were you when they questioned? suddenly, you became the hermit or was it just that you have nothing good to say?

Oh well, do you know it is RUDE to stop a person when a speaker is toking, when she's ranting on and on? I'm not a good speaker, if I were to speak, what if i drag u guys down when I got them wrong? I DID tried to answer them whenever I can.

ninth, you were running around the whole of singapore looking for furnitures and accessories for the photoshoot. but at the end of the day, those furnitures weren't even used! its the furnitures and accessories that i brought from my house, which i brought on my own accord, that were used. despite not being told about any accessories that were bought, we still spilt the cost with you with no grumbles.

When comes to money, we always produce receipts and show the stuffs, what are you complaining? We don wanna miss out anything, at least we took the effort and time to search for them. Plus, it was quite a last min thing. As long as it can do good for the team, we'll go all the way. What haf you done? It is really that there is no choice, that's why we're using ur furnitures. P did helped out with sourcing online tho.

Tenth, you said, if you wanna do things then don't make noise, people will appreciate your kindness. aren't you directly referring it to yourself? you make a list of A-Z on how much you've done but have you kept quiet ONCE? i have been keeping quiet till now. but it seems you NOT only aren't appreciative about my KINDNESS, you've made a hell lot of noise.

You have been keeping quiet till now cause you dun haf a chance to make noise when most of the things are done by us. Let say the flat drawings, i APPRECIATE you guys for helping to correct the flat drawings (when actually i rmbed i've gotta chase you guys to finish it coz there's really not enuff time when me and mei are rushing for the catalogue to be ready), but after double checking, We realised there's TONS of mistake, but I kept QUIET coz i APPRECIATE.

to end it off, we have done equally as much work. you can't put the blame on us for your incapabilities for not completing them sooner. its not that i wanna put the dirty linen of our group work up on air but how can i suffer such injustice you've put into our names.

It's a free world, people are allow to speak. And i'm speaking nothing but the TRUTH.

but i'm really thankful for you thinking that i'm attractive. cause at the end of the day, i have nothing but kindness for you.

Oh yahhh....NICOLE RICHIE doesn't associate with such unglamourous people like you. I'm glad it's OVER.

Be glamourous for all you wan, I'm totally not in that sort of league. I'm just glad that I've been being myself for all these while.

signing off,

NICOLE RICHIE who loves to pose. ;) (oh well, you bet! PEACE OUT!)

Last Updated @ 2:02 AM


Friday, March 23, 2007

Peeps! I've shifted to:


see ya!!

Last Updated @ 2:14 PM


Friday, March 16, 2007

*POP = Passing Out Parade

hell yeah! after 3 holy mths... ah meng finally get out from tekong!
no more jungle boy!
and they haf this parade which is delicated for the so-called TRAINED SOLDIERS.
(not ORD then counted as trained soldiers meh?)
the pathetic arrow pts out he's somewhere there lar.
after the march pass and everything, there's this event whereby parents head down to the parade sqaure and put on the jockey cap for their sons, as it's a mean of pride or something lar.

so that's my mission for the day.
"representative" of the parents since none of his family members can make it.
toking abt tat, he's such a lucky ass that at least he still can my presence as my assessment day falls on the thursday.

yup, so this is it. i've put on the cap for him. i wanted to haf the pic of "process" but too bad, was alone. everyone is excited to see their sons and toking to them. can onli haf the "done" pic den.

faster faster! smile! umm.. good.. satisfied.. and return to me seat. hehe.
i like him to be tanned like this! look so man.~~ HMMmm.. yummy.

after tat, me, the poor camera woman, running ard taking pics for them.
the place was filled w/ high spirit and strong MANLY SMELL (comb. of rain + sweat). haha!!

they're so called twins. but i dun think they look alike.
personally i feel everyone of ah meng's size and height in army are all twins.
they wore the same uniform, owe the same hairstyle and specs, covered their head with jockey cap.

"oh no~ ji bai siao liao"

"ehh!! dun wan lar~!!"
"quick! guys! faster!"
"hahaha! dun u dare run!!""come la! dun be shy"

"fine.. i surrounder."

ok! finally! pose ppl!

that's all!

Last Updated @ 11:26 PM


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

i felt ashamed that i've such super money-minded-relatives.
ya la.. so called relatives. my elders.
but sad to say that, u guys are NOTHING in my eyes. not even a piece of shit.
i wasnt there to help my dad defend that day(during CNY).
i swear i'll use all my might to do so if i was there.
fuck care whether u're older than me or watever. tat doesnt mean watever u say is always right.
the world is changing.

and hello!!!
jus bcoz u're one filthy rich tat lives in a dirty pte hse?
oh well.... u're a NOBODY.
pls go and dig ur parents' grave and ask them to tch u basic manner of how to RESPECT others, before u can gain mine.
dun even fit to tok to my hand, tok to my ASS!

yes! that's how pathetic u guys are!!!

and how i wish they'll read this entry one fine day.
To: Loh-watever-name-is, u guys lives in a dirty pt hse, and own many many dogs.

thanks for making me a fighter~

Last Updated @ 2:37 AM


Monday, February 19, 2007

detest chinese new yr!
a meaningless festival.
people celebrate for the sake of celebrating.
ang pows?? hoho.. not tat greedy of it. i'm serious.

caught EPIC MOVIE yday at jurong east.
and i realise i threw two $4 ang pows, plus a 50cents coin which i fork out myself, to the drain.
the movie SUCKS big time. (tho some scenes make me luff, but they're so lame till i've to luff.)
meaningless like CNY itself. LOL.
it shd won the MOST SUCKIEST MOVIE of the year 2007. lol.
stupid ppl watch stupid show.
i'm one of them.
u guys out there, dun be the nx one.

surprise to see my sec sch mates :)
they're still the same to me... bitchy and straight-forward as ever, nvr fail to make me smile. LOL.
which is good being ur true self~!

i noe i'm a busy person.
not pretending or avoiding to meet ppl like old sch mates.
but majority of my time has be revolving ard sch work, part-time job, bf, families.

wat a CNY.

anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR still yea. all the best to all my friends out there~~

Last Updated @ 11:28 AM


Thursday, February 15, 2007

ever since after joining SFS.

i dun feel like a fashionista anymore. no longer.

not like how often i shop and update my wardrobe during my sch days.

not like how i can dress up every friday and paint the town red with friends.

what i mean dress UP is really dress UP... with the matching outfits, with correct shoes and bags. not always with the heavy sch bags.

money has been pouring to materials and other MORE commitments.

it's been a long time i ever since come home with many many shopping bagSSSSS.

i felt like i'm a SLAVE for the fashionista instead.

learning to design, making out patterns, sewing clothes, how to market them...

a piece of shit.

Last Updated @ 11:47 PM


Monday, February 12, 2007

felt so better after receiving ur phone call.
lil surprise jus brighten me up.

mayb i shd not grumble so much.

think my egg's gonna due again...

feeling so restless and frustrated recently.

stress is overwhelming....

Last Updated @ 11:03 PM