
Y Respect my blog, because this is not your blog.
Love me, hate me, you decide.

the girl


23sep nineteen

cam-whore geek

still counting...

at 16 Dec 2008! :)

voice out!

Way back then

March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
January 2009


Designer: Tammy
Brushes: Juvenile Casualty, Inobscuro, At0mica, Echoica, Veredgf, Puzzle,
Fonts: Dafont, Juvenile Casualty
Image: Deviantart
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Adobe Photoshop CS

Friday, March 31, 2006

yo peeps! i'm back after a long day.
btw... as u can see from my tagboard...
i din get to eat my seafood platter from fish&co today!
kinda disappointed. =it was replaced by fiesta sushi, curry chicken katsu if i din rmb e name wrongly.
not bad.
must tks to ana, it's a treat fr her. heh.

alright... i was toking abt the triumph show which i attend yday.
it's actually an invitation from nellie working at triumph.
she's in her late 20s and a experienced merchandiser who come nafa to take up FMM.
due to reasons like not use to student's life and some major family prob, she withdraw fr sch n back to working society.

she phone me up and ask for my email in order to sell me the e-invitation mail.
here is this:

Come and join us for Triumph's spectacular lingerie show of the year, Decadence & Desire.

A breathtaking affair for the bold and beautiful.

Thursday, 30 March 2006

8pm - Fashion Show

Tent @ Ngee Ann City Orchard Road

Red Carpet VIP Entrance

Black Tie

Please RSVP to Ms Belle Lee or Ms Roslyn Tan at 6258 0011 / mkt@triumph.com by 23 March 2006

um... the picture supposed to be coloured. but dunno y it turn out like this when i upload it here.
anway, i'm so thrilled when i receive the mail!!
this is the FIRST time in my life to get an invitation for fashion show.
and this show is only open to invited guest. wooohoo.
excited la! ppl shua-gu ma. it's not like victoria secret tho, but at least something la. eh-chey. hahaha.

i was allowed to bring one more guest along.
nellie v smart, noe wat i'm tinking...
in the phone, she straight away mention "cannot bring bf arh!"
lol. weird. so i chose zan to go w/ me.

we que up at the VIP entry. haf to register.
we saw men as well!! then y in the 1st place nellie dun allow me to bring bf. lol.
i call up ming and tell him abt this... he said it's ok, he dun wanna watch it anyway rather play game at home.
har-har..~ like real, which cat dun eat fish u tell me?
oh well... or mayb he onli wans to see me in tat sexy lingerie! oPsss!*blush* HAHAHAHA.
man, he's gonna whack me after he read this entry man. kidding k. dun take it too hard.

ltr on we proceed to our seat.
i tot is really those free seating but!!

haha! got my name pasted on the chair to show tat this 2 seats is reserved for MS REBECCA & GUEST.
lol. this sticker is i took out from the seat one =X
shua-gu act.

anyway, we intend to take some pics in the show.
however, kena stopped by security. damn it. not like we'll whank at the pics rite.

um..overall was good, it was NICE to see models to parade nth but bra and thongs w/ stocking.

i wonder how the big bunch of ah pek media photographers gonna stand it.
tink their pics will come out to be all BLUR coz simply their hands are trumbling when they see the models like totally naked from the backview. OMG.

LOLz. alright la. enuff of my nonsense.

take care guys.

much loved-

Last Updated @ 11:31 PM


yday triumph show was great.
hot babes... wooooohooo!!
as a lady, i see already also excited.
dun even nid to mention abt the guys... HAHAHA.
will blog abt it when i reach home at night.

i'm in sch now, dirt bored as there's nth much to do.
yawn yawn...
gotta ciaoz.
if not tcher might pop up behind my back reading my entry.
much love.

Last Updated @ 2:44 PM


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

yday i was just bitching abt R (my selfish classmate).
and TODAY!!!
i switch on my lappy in class coz i was the very 1st one to report to sch... AGAIN.
very punctual right...? :P
boring ma... so surf net in sch.

i wait for my bestiess to come to show them what i've did last night.
enthu me.
then R saw the edited polaroid. i was like "damn! mother f*****... shit!"
i knew... i KNEW she'll ask me how to do... as usual.
duh. so i jus briefly said..."ooo.it's brush."
i'm not losing out either...
i ask her back... "i see u do these b4 for ur photoSSS(photossss ar... not photo... so is MANY), u dunno how to do meh?!"
"oh...i forget already."

mother f*****. she tink i 3 yrs old kid trying to bluff her way thru issit.
this is what i mean SELFISH and CUNNING ppl.
bloody bitch.
oo.. and i tell u... her research methodology...
she din do anything at ALL... NOTHING!
she did last min work and get 67/90... which i onli scored 65/90 when i consistantly do my research bit by bit, day by day.

alright... it's not abt marks prob now.
is her style of doing her work...
she'll do research on everyone in the class... see wat they're doing... browse thru their work(in order to steal ideas).
and then she acted blur... like v blur... ppl will help her...
ask her bestie S to draw for her. duh.
we noe she'll suffer in the future, coz she always relied on ppl.
but we're angry abt NOW, as tcher will thot she's a gd student who can produce gd work n sort of fond of her and gif her higher marks.
yet, we cant declare to tcher tat she act copy/ask ppl to draw as we've insufficient proof.
hmMm... life is unfair.

i shall end with this pic.
a polaroid... edited in sch.
wanted to make it look similar like the real polaroid we scan in, so i make an attempt to sort of like fade the pic color a bit.

Last Updated @ 2:39 PM


think i'm used to staying up till so late.
happily exploring photoshop now.
woo!! finally noe what's going on. HAHAHA.

i dun wanna approach one of my classmate, initial R, coz i dun tink she'll guide me thru everything. another reason - dun wanna let her mistaken tat i'm using her.
tell u, people in tertiary, esp in art institution, are majority(or rather all) selfish. yes, i'm saying including myself.
but of coz... u've to learn to be selfish, coz if not all ur ideas will be somehow "stolen" by ppl if u let everything out of the bag, right?
alright, mayb i shd not say tat's selfish act, but more like a protection shield tat u've to put on. hahas.

however, i really haf classmates who are SELFISH, yes, S.E.L.F.I.S.H!
to the extend that when ppl ask her how to do a technical flat drawing of a button using freehand software, she can jus change the topic right away to avoid answering her qns.
yes, initial C classmate actually did that to our class chairman, naz. tsk tsk.
that's jus one incident lar, actually there's MORE i think.

so... regarding photoshop, i'll gonna guide a few of my besties in class abt wat i've explore today. *grinz*
it's jus some skills that u've to master to produce a better piece of work, there's no big deal abt it.
care and share is really impt :)

umm... back to topic. after 2 hours of exploring.
photoshop isnt tat bad! it's so FUN!!!!!
a lot a lot of functions and tools...
and they're hidden(i mean for freshie like me)... hahs

here's a sample pic which i've done w/ some editing job jus now;)

alright, dun comment abt this 1st ok. it's my 1st try ya. lazy to dwl more brushes set. coz i'm going to orh orh soon. teehee.
that's shuna's fav. polariod(sp?). i tink this brush/template is very commonly used now. boring.
well.. will hunt for more interesting stuff.

Last Updated @ 1:17 AM


Sunday, March 26, 2006

My 1st time as a dresser in Singapore Fashion Festival 2006
24 March, Friday

Reporting time: 4Pm
Venue: The Tent in front Ngee Ann City, back entrance.

I actually ran off from class =X
it suppose to end at 5.30pm. haha!
watever, anyway, may is attending rachel... busy toking away. if i wait for her briefing, die man, sure be late!

reach there 3.45pm.
ok... i was the enthu one. lolx.
enter fr the back entrance, saw a bunch of ang mohs toking and smoking at the side seat. they are the models.
i dare not look at them... so i jus walk str8 into the volunteer office.

got my sff t-shirt, it's in white color. i tink it looks kinda sucky, even ming tink so too.
4pm! ppl start to stroll in... one by one... group by group.
finally saw my schmates! farhan. feel safe now, at least i'm not alone :P
after tat darran... and then so and so...
together we went into the backstage... where all the models were relaxing there... stylist doing their hair and make-up.
the huge backstage is divided into two part.
we have to go behind one curtain... which is the big dressing room is located.
wow! it's spacious.

i shall skip the briefing n all.

nx, we que up to take collect the clothes from the rack.
i've got mine! No.3? i walk to the specific rack.
take a look at the name of the model.
"man! robert?! a MALE model?!!!" tat was my 1st reaction.
i'm not happy nor sad nor angry.
it's jus a v mixed feeling......haha... dunno lar! tink i feel shy in my heart at the moment...LOLz !

(abv) the number 3 and 16 indicate when is his turn to parade the apparel, and i've to write down my name to let the ppl-in-charge noe tat i'm dressing this model ltr on.

sorry... picture a bit blur -_-. that's the 1st outfit.

Second outfit :)

before show starts...
models hafta make sure the shoes were comfortable on them, where their rack is, who's his/her dresser, rehearsal... etc.
and i notice that... shoes is giving the people a big prob. one of the gal nearly trip on the runway during rehearsal due to the stripe broke off. and some of the shoes size is too small.

alright...show's gonna start soon!!!
"everyone get changed please!!!"
u can see everybody is stripping...i mean the models la. not dresser. wat are u tinking? hahs.
and robert... stripping in front of me.
man!!! i dun even dare to look at him.
i keep staring at other gals and the clothes. LOL.
and i quickly pass him the pants...

above that picture obviously is not me. i've done w/ my model. guy's outfit is easy. that's my 'neighbour' still dressing up her model.

at 1st, those expensive clothing which were jus hanging on the rack, look so lifeless tho they're costly.
and now... it looks so darn nice!!!
the models gif the outfit a new life and spirit!
woohoo...ppl starts to mingle ard and take pictures :)
here are some of the snapshots!

i love the model in the white outfit...! i tink she look so DDG man! and the one in black was so adorable! ltr part when the models are que-ing up. she's like praying to god w/ her sad looking face. ya... as if she's attending a funeral. just like My Chemical Romance's Helena MTV :)

group picture! smile!!

stylist doing some adjustment on the model's handkerchief before show.

breifing the models.

7.50 - 8pm
show about to start.
"guys! line up in a straight!"
haha... sound so cute, as if they're lining up to go for their recessing. lolz.

Celest (the short lady holding a file =X) checking the line to make sure the sequence is correct.

and lily cole was at the front... i saw someone taking picture w/ her!
i wan also!!!

i approached her.
"lily... can i haf a picture w/ u?"
"sure! :)"

Present to you: fugly duckling & the swan.

look into her beautiful eyes... i said "thank you".
"no worry! :)" she answer w/ a cheery face...
ahhhhhhhh!!!! she so darn nice!!!!! but! but! but! there's this 2 fucking guys standing behind.
i tink i'm bad enuff to spoil the photo... but now i tink i shd put the blame on this 2 guys stand at the back, looking into my camera phone. damn! >=/

the opening JPG show start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
inside the dressing room, we can hear loud cheers from the audience. woooohooo!!!
excited people at the backstage.

i din feel any sense of "gan cheong" until i see my male model running back and taking off his outfit on his way.
shit... i started to feel a bit panic. haha
i faster past him the top and everything...
telling him taking off his shoes coz this outfit muz go w/ barefeet.
but tink he din hear me toking... carry on to stuck his feet inside the shoes...
until i took the description paper from the rack for him to see...and raise up my voice...
"it's BAREFEET!"
then he's like "oh~~! alright."-_-"
i wanted to help him button, but he kp saying "it's alright"... weird. and i tink he's dao >:/
and off he went back to stage.
phew! i'm done.
but my dresser beside me is struggling... so i helped her out. hee.

show end in like 15 - 20mins.
actually i dunno how long, but i tink when i'm in backstage, time files!
it was a successful show ^-^
models back, change...
check the outfit to confirm they are all back, no missing items.
and they're going off soon.

i was still tinking whether to take pic w/ robert... coz i find him kinda dao.
but he's the first model, i dressed on.

he left.. walking near to the curtain liao...
"excuse me!!!"
he turn back...phew... he heard me...haha!
"can i haf a pic w/ u?"
"sure!" he smile in delight.
hahahahaha~~ i din noe he's so STEADYwor! surprised me.
i thot he'll gif those "duh" look u see.
standing beside me... i took my camera phone in my hand...
and wanna take the photo myself.
he took my phone over and said "ask someone to shoot for us."
LOL... so nice lar. and here's the picture!

i very nervous lar. look so gugu. wait holiday then do some photoshop lar. X_X

after tat.. home sweet home at 9pm.
initially was 10pm..but since it end early, everyone wanted to ciao after a long day.
next shift: alldressedup on monday 27/03 - 8PM

P/S: sweet! i still love u after toking on and on abt robert, lily cole and sff ok!

haha! Just for laugh~* ciao!

Last Updated @ 12:17 AM


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"hi~can u fixed the ring back?"
"wow~" the sales assistance was amazed.
"ohh..ya... it dented. -_-' heh~ "

is that a nid to be so amazed?
just that the ring amazing turn into oval shape w/o me noticing when it is still stuck in my middle finger _!_.
abnormal fingers/hand i haf uh.

It was Singapore Fashion Festival(SFF) breifing yday.
woo~i'm gonna work at the backstage as dresser!
and i'm doing on the opening JPG show~!!!!!!
cant imagine gonna meet lily cole at the backstage...~~~seeing lots of hot babes and mayb hunks.~ opps =X

well...i'm not gonna work like everyday for sff though, due to amt of school work i haf.
friday 24/3 is my first shift...kinda worried. here are the reasons:

1. Bitch-es better getta my way!
on briefing day itself, me and zan saw a lot of bitches... my god.
they're realli some haughty kind. a bit buay tahan.
so ppl who wanted to get into it, tink twice uh. lol :)
i'm still learning to be a downright super bitch to be prepared for the industry.
hahahaha...~!! kidding...not tat jialat la.

2. @#%$#@#!@~$#&^*&(!!
everyone's gonna be very on-the-ball tat day. changing fast, and off the stage u go.
kena screwed up by the people-in-charge for dressing wrong clothes or wrong shoes or wrong wat-so-ever stuffs on the model and let her parade the wrong outfit. DIE!

3. jialat! sa-la lar!
this one kena dumb but it MIGHT happen ok.
so many "bamboo" walking all over the place.
if the model herself oso blur, wah... suay la.

actually there's many many more... but dun let my imagination run wild further. hoho.
becky, u're just scaring urself ok... :)
wish me luck ok.

meanwhile, click on
Singapore Fashion Festival website for more information!

Last Updated @ 11:31 AM


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

bitching in class w/ tcher today was great.
haf yet to get my "special order" sticker frm ming yet.
mayb i shd go n get it from one of the mcdonald outlet asap.
so i can put it up for everyone to haf a gd laugh at my bimbo idea.
jus wait and see.
i'll be back.


there goes BUSY bEckz.

Last Updated @ 3:14 AM


Thursday, March 16, 2006

yo peepos.
yday brought my lappy to sch I.T department to configure, so that i can use the network access in da campus.
sooo troublesome~
intend to go people's park with zan to get more fabric, end up cancelled coz i wanted to collect back my lappy at 3pm... and zan plan to meet her friend after acc me waiting.
but things doesnt go my way.
3pm...the configuration is still nt done yet... zan went to meet her friend already...
end up i've to leave my comp with the I.T man, and headed straight to work.
reached yew tee mcd, received zan's sms.
my oh my~~~ poor thing...

5pm! start work!
hat lost.
name tag left at home.
McDonald Delivery Service(MDS) order flop in at 7++pm.
majority are from army camp area. orders are abnormally HUGE.
Hungry ghost.
tsk tsk tsk... army man...
only will give trouble to ppl and extremely good at "tekan-ing".
luckily nth went wrong...
no missing items... no complain... *thumbs up*

11+pm~*beep* punch out!
la kopi till 250am... with ming, shuna, peiyi, lyne join us at ltr part.
talk cock sing song play mahjong~~~
free fishball from aunty. coz they're closing store. haha!
time flies when u enjoy...

kkz...gotta finish off my A&P powerpt stuff now...

Last Updated @ 6:19 PM


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

My Personal Dna Report

Last Updated @ 2:48 PM


this is going to be a boring entry coz there'll be no pictures to illustrate what happened during the crew outting.
this is what happened when u've no DIGITAL CAMERA.
but nvm...u may go to my friend's(like geraldine/shuna...oppss..hope u guys dun mind ya)friendster acc to view the pictures.
too lazy to write down wat's going on that day. haha. =X

speaking of that...
sunday i went to the IT fair with my friends.
nb...~5.0 megapixels olympus digital camera cost onli $349!!!
and it comes w/ a 512MB memory card and all!!
sigh...poor poor poor...
hafta wait till nx yr IT flair liao...BOO!

oo...and yday!!!!!!!
14th march...me n him 9th mth lar.haha
christine(ex-boss) at KK hospital...
once mention KK hosiptal...shd noe it's giving birth ya.
famous hosiptal in singapore for that.
baby boy is 3 days old...
a new born life...~~~wooo~~
i tink it's v amazing...~~~
lol...say till as if i gif birth... =P

here's the pics!

tataz!!! ^-^

Last Updated @ 11:55 AM


Monday, March 13, 2006

oh ya..
btw...on friday which is on the ermm.. 11 of march =D
there's this graduation fashion show in ma sch.
6 of my sch mates helped out as ursher.
one of them who is my chairman, naz.
theme colour for urshers is BLACK.

at 1st, when we saw naz in this OL outfit, we're like "Umm! pretty! :)"

but... after some make-up done by farah and farhan...


danah!!! here i present to u, our drop dead gorgeous naz!

pretty eh. make-up really do wonders. (wOoooo~)
i look kinda pale and liveless compared to her. haha.

keep up the good job babe! shall put up make-up more often kiez!

Last Updated @ 1:19 AM


i'm back to the cyber world...
suddenly haf the urge to blog. i dunno y.
mayb due to the beautiful blogskin :P

jus got home...i mean quite sometime.
dun feel like slping yet so find something to do.
so come blogging.

oh ya...
came across something i find kinda hilarious.
today i wore a black stocking under my pants.
and then i was waiting for bus at bukit panjang bus interchange for bus #184.
this little boy(ard 3yrs old i reckon) with his mother.
he squard down and stare.
at 1st i was really wondering...
"what's there to stare on the floor?got ants?or wat?"
and then the lil boy suddenly said...
"mama~y black black?(refering to my leg)"
so funny lar...i burst out into laughter.
the mother a bit paiseh lar, look at me and laugh also.
"aiya...that's stocking boy!dun kpo!"
haha...he's so curious...aight...kids.. :)
really adorable and pure.

well..it's my crew outing tml...
gonna skip lesson..
wohoho =X

update tml.

Last Updated @ 12:45 AM