
Y Respect my blog, because this is not your blog.
Love me, hate me, you decide.

the girl


23sep nineteen

cam-whore geek

still counting...

at 16 Dec 2008! :)

voice out!

Way back then

March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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March 2007
January 2009


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Saturday, July 29, 2006

does people treat u seriously?
that's sam's nickname on MSN.
i happened to see it.
good one.
i was thinking abt that too.
great mind think alike uh! haha.
that's part and parcels of life maybe.

life can be nvr perfect.
u'll sure somehow get rejected by people ard.
when u tried to miggle ard w/ somebody u like... or feel comfortable with, and u wanan treat them seriously.
but yet they actually dun really welcome u. not say dun welcome..
it's like neutral... come or dun come.. makes no diff. haha.
like u noe.. "whatever lor..."

ok.. i tink i shd accept the dread fact by now.
(becky becky~~ u're always so slow~~)
mayb i seldom get rejected.. tat;s y? haha.
but tat doesnt mean i'm popular in a way ok. i'm kinda low profile person.
and i found out is really NOT nice to join gathering esp when u're so-and-so gf, tat's y u tag along.
which means i'm not over sensetive or paranoid, but is ACTUALLY THE TRUTH.

now i realise for the past few gathering..
i found out that the topic they're toking abt are work work work and ALL abt work...
and my soul will lost half way thru while listening...
or tinking wat's in for fashion now.. and how shd i improve my work n myself...
or even FANTASIZE! hahahaha.. nah.. i'm jus kidding.. oppss..
and they wun care much abt ur existence... even my bf. HAHA.
but cant blame him.
i cant possibly poke my head into their conversation when i noe NOTHING rite?

um... but he's the one who ask me to come? now left me alone like tat?
um... who ask u to be so stupid to go also rite?
um... but they're someone i noe also ma?!
haha... WHATEVER lar. as long as i get to eat. they feed me w/ yummy food.

finally i've inspiration to blog.

Last Updated @ 2:04 AM


Saturday, July 01, 2006

sorry guys.
i'm currently dealing w/ assignmetns, work and events.
tat leads to busy busy BUSY!
and then lead to tired tired TIRED!

as i've mentioned...
recently my life haf being involved ard assignments, work and MORE events coming up.
previously attending a few briefing after sch...
then start of student assistantship scheme...
work after sch hrs...
then anniversary, ming's bday, crew outting... working part-time in mcd.
group project... then hunt ard w/ mu grp m8s like mad women for fabric... bargain everywhere. ya. and i'm nt gd at bargaining for cheap price, coz i kinda pity the shops there.
so competitive.. and yet a few customers a day only i guess.
kind-hearted becky jus cldnt bear to slash their salary away..(cheeyy~~LOL =P)

ohh... and today's CONVOCATION DAY(graduation day).

forgotten to bring my phone -_-

so no pics lar! sigh!


anyway... it's really a touching moment.
when u see all ur officially-grad-in-e-nx-hr seniors in their robe/gown(whatever u call lah!)...
whoever they are... u'll actually wish them the very best in ur heart.
i dunno y...
i jus feel that they've come a long way... like going thru all those tough assignments and sit thru total of 6 assessments...

they seriously do deserve a moment like this... (tho SOME r NOT! i noe there's sure ppl who slack their 3 yrs away and tok their way thru... A.K.A BUYING a cert. *ahem* gd example in my class.. namely... SSssssssss....aaaa... ok.. shut up becky.)

well... one of the best scene that i've seen is when the grads will stand up and clap for their parents and friends...
i din see tears dropping from the mamas tho...
but oscar told me that there're actually ppl who did sob.
SOOOOOO TOUCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :')

oh man... toking abt this... i seriously cant wait for this day to come...
after attending today's 3 ceremoniessss...
and hey!!
it inspired me to take up degree course!
perhaps it's after i come out to society n work... settle for course fee for my diploma 1st.
and den get a loan or something by myself =D

back to strive for my goals now.
update soon...


Last Updated @ 11:47 PM