
Y Respect my blog, because this is not your blog.
Love me, hate me, you decide.

the girl


23sep nineteen

cam-whore geek

still counting...

at 16 Dec 2008! :)

voice out!

Way back then

March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
January 2009


Designer: Tammy
Brushes: Juvenile Casualty, Inobscuro, At0mica, Echoica, Veredgf, Puzzle,
Fonts: Dafont, Juvenile Casualty
Image: Deviantart
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Adobe Photoshop CS

Saturday, October 28, 2006

check out http://www.phobialist.com/ ! :)

thousands and thousands of phobias.

y there's no words for "fear of bangalas"?

i'm seriously phobia of that. =S

Last Updated @ 8:05 PM


Friday, October 27, 2006

i'm longing for a good shopping trip for a very long time already... :(

Last Updated @ 9:59 PM


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

just wanna highlight that. lazy to bitch. and i tink it's a waste of my time to bitch such useless issue.

get a life!

sorry to my friends.
this holiday seems make no different w/ sch days...
i'm still as busy... working. *duh*
too broke to shop.
too lazy to do anything on my off days.
that's y i din ask anyone out other than slacking.

BUT! i sorta attracted by the indochine at wista.
sat nite after work... i walk pass seeing band playing n ppl chilling.
playing "wonderwall" by oasis.
i tink it will be great if i can chill there after work one day w/ friends.
girls' nite out.
mayb i shall move my fingers and start sms-ing to ask them out.


Last Updated @ 12:40 AM


Saturday, October 21, 2006

i've got back my result!!!!!!!

1. Pattern Making Intermediate I (Grade: A)

Yeah!! i'm better at the technical part lar. mayb i'm a more logical person. LOL. something to do w/ the right brain left brain thingy. As claire, one of the lecturer, ever said tat some ppl are gd at design, some are strong in technical. it's rare to haf someone who's gd at both :)

2. Sewing Intermediate I (Grade: A)

Surprise Surprise Surprise!!! I cant believe my eyes. "if it's cheap... y not?" <- i thot i'll get merely a "B" not matter how hard i do, after i said this magical sentence to her which drives this arrogant fatty bom bom go crazy. ok, wait. she started it 1st by giving me and zan wrong instructions and dun admit is her fault. or mayb she scared kena complaint by us? hoho. but even if so, i tink my sewing deserve an A seriously.

3. Research Methodology (Grade: B)

No much comments abt this coz it's a boring module. yawn! at least muz get a B oso ma. no "C"s shall appear in my result slip. LOL. like real.

4. Computerised Techniques (Grade: A)

honestly, din do very well in my 1st assignment coz it was world cup period! lol! nah, it's not an excuse. however, i put in a lot of effort in the final assignment. it was fun. thot endless of sleepless nite.

5. Fashion Forecast (Grade: B)

not the core module, but it's one of the killer. group projects was given out almost every week. test is like freaking hard. progressive marks did not maintain at the standard we set, it goes up n down.

6. Product Development Inermediate I (Grade: C)

this one ah.. tmd. LONG story la. lecturer was the one to blame. oh, he's the infamous VIK LIM. hur-hur.. i tink my work really sucks, it worths more like a "D" actually. oh well.. they're jus being kind and lower down the standard for the class due to the complain we made. fuck off!

7. Merchandising Mathematics (Grade: A)

no trigoratio, no algebra, no TOA CAH SOH. good lecturer but she's always late. aiya. EASY la.

8. Advertising and Promotion (Grade: B)

another fuck off. did that in yr 1 sem 2 ALREADY. yeah. so y are we doing it again, u muz b thinking. simply becoz we're suay that there's some mistakes w/ the sch system, A&P supposed to belong to yr 2 sem 1 module. that's y we're to do it again. stupid isnt it?

got an A in yr 1 sem 2 initially, my grp was really going out for it. I love my grp at then, we're so enthu. tho tired and stressful, it's overwhelming by fun and laughter with all the ideas we've shared. but i felt that things haf change... HMMMmmmmm... *ponder*

Overall GPA? 3.3

sigh. i'm not overjoy nor sad.

that's all.

Last Updated @ 11:28 PM


Thursday, October 19, 2006

In life, things happen...
v often to someone. haha.
stress coming from everywhere.
esp when unlucky things happen sometimes or rather specific time of the yr.

but if u seriously gonna think u're the WORSE case in the world.
All the ppl who suffered in somewhere in africa (or rather some part of the world) will all point out their middle fingers and boo at u!
U're just more than lucky.

i noe i nvr being thru as much as u did, i cant put myself in ur shoes.
consoling u is like harder than climbing mt. everest sometimes.
moreover i'm younger than u, my life is slightly better than u.
can name a handful of reasons y it's hard for me to convince u.
but do u ever see me giving up?

no ones will wan to see their love one fall.
it's sad to see them like this... at their verge of giving up.
and what we can do is to only gif u moral support... advices and more advices.
frustration adds in when u dun listen and rebel everything we said.
so we shall leave it to u to convince urself.
u can onli help urself wat.. rite?

since u can make it to... "not letting money control ur life".
now.. let's make it to another one..
"dun let FATE control ur life".

ppl will only repect and look upon someone who has the determination and a will of surviving, not someone who's a LOSER.


All American Rejects - Move Along

"Move Along"

Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall everyone stands
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold
Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along

So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold

Speak to ME, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)

When everything is wrong, we move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong, we move along
Along, along, along

When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
Right back what is wrong
We move along[fade out]

Last Updated @ 11:44 PM


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

vivo city is like the hot topic among the singaporeans now.
so decided to check this hotspot out with darl since my working day is being cancelled off last min again.
the place is huge.
mayb it's not as organized as other shopping malls and adding on unfamiliarity w/ the new environment, that's y people tends to lost their way there.
another mini orchard.
nth new except for some new brands like "black society" and GAP... etc... which i've forgotten.
other than that, it's with all the familiar brands like mango, zara, adidas, topshop/topman, Levis, forever 21, bYsI, giodarno, baleno, hangten, six, diva, pull and bear...yawn. i'm getting bored.

and we're very disappointed with their toilets.
dirty! it's wet and footprints everywhere, and it kinda smells.
even neighbourhood shopping malls like CCK Lot 1 and Jurong Point is way better than them.
umm.. overall experience.. so-so lar.
will visit again after grand-opening when all the shops will be officially open.
till then.

Last Updated @ 11:07 PM


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

my new adore from pazzion.
my craving. that was like 1+ to 2 mths ago.
it went outta stock for it's bugis n marina square branch. :'(
i've gave up, coz i thot it's totally gone.

it's jus my luck to drop by their shop at wistma yday.
i bought it w/ a 10% coupon discount this time rd. lucky me.
but unfortunately, they onli left w/ size 34, 35, 36.
becky needs a size 37!!
heck care, fuck care, DONT CARE!
i just want it on my feets!*squeeze*

Last Updated @ 3:39 PM


Sunday, October 15, 2006

here comes to an end to the INNOVATIONATION exhibition!
*throw confetti*
it's a SUPER BORING job i wld say.
but there's hell lots of FUN people out there.
overall, enjoyable experience.

Due to no camera at the moment... (man! how many times muz i repeat this.)
so... no pics of my new friends. SIGH.
but they're really cute bunch of people seriously =)
it's a mixture of guys and gals.

i'm EXTREMELY broke recently.
yeah, dun haf enuff $$ for meals. can u imagine?

saving ma $$ for that lovely SONY CYBERSHOT T10 in soft PINK.

i'm seriously dying for that.

and it's been so long that i actually haf that STRONG determination to save up for such expensive stuff.
last thing was that DKNY watch which is like 1+yr ago.

oh! and btw, i've decided to close my navel piercing after struggling for so long.
felt kinda sad tho.
coz if i dun close it, it'll tear one day coz the jewerly was hanging on merely a thin piece of skin, which is extremely dangerous.
i've heard cases like tearing of navel piercing. OUCH!
was told by another piercer in far east plaza when i acc a friend to do navel piercing, said that the person who did the piercing for me last time was quite shallow.
thot it's healed, our body will still reject that foreign object which is hanging on our body.
that's y the skin/meat holding the jewerly gets thinner n thinner.

the place where i got my piercing done?

i mite wanna re-pierce my navel after it heal,
but at far east this time rd.
or... i'll try it at some other area. not facial one.
even if it's on the face, it wont be seen!
still considerating.
see how it goes la.

i'm not that wild :P

Last Updated @ 10:46 PM


Saturday, October 14, 2006

i'm tinking of...

Emo + Vintage + Classy/Edgy = ??? (As in styling/dress sense)

Umm.. can try.

I wanna buy...

okok. shuddup beckz!

u need to get ur cam 1st, before u can get any other things.


i'm bored;

feeling sleepy.

Last Updated @ 10:46 PM



Last Updated @ 10:14 PM


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through

Last Updated @ 11:01 PM


i heart my hair. SHORT HAIR i mean.

just got my locks cut again!

i'm still going short! till one day... mayb when i realli get sick of it... well, till then. but mayb it's in, it's fashion! *slurp*

fyi, the most i can grow my locks is onli till slightly longer than shoulder hair and THAT'S IT!

simply coz am impatient, and always wanted a change.

tho i've done a lot of thing w/ my hair b4, like perming, rebonding, colouring, highlight... and diff cut cut cut and cut ya.

oh well~ down to the conclusion, by having short hair doesnt mean u're a butch, tomboyish or nerd ok.


envy models and girls who haf really short n stylo hair.

of coz dun behave or walk like a man when u're having short hair lar! stupid.

or even pretend to be more gu niang lar! EVEN MORE STUPID.

short hair gifs u an egdy look... makes and even gif u MORE confident w/o hiding ur face behind ur long hair all day long.

makes u looks smart too!

easy to maintain n save u some $$ from shampoo! (instead of 4-5 squeeze of shampoo... now u onli need 2-3 coz of lesser locks, get it?!)

no tangles and split ends.

and to hell noes y guys and even gals like long hair... even to this 20th century. SICK!

alright, i shd stop here. am getting nasty. hahaha! >.<"

that's all. (famous quote from "devil's wear prada")

Last Updated @ 9:37 PM


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bill Gate share these with me...

Now i'm gonna share it with you guys.

Do you know?

*only abt 7% of the world's population is online.

*half of the world's people have never made a phone call, much less sent a fax or email.

*half live on less than $2 a day.

*they overwhelmingly lack sanitation n clean water.

*almost a billion adults cant read.


Last Updated @ 12:36 PM


Monday, October 09, 2006

Classic Moment...

no comment abt tat video.

enjoy seeing me screaming my head off.

i dunno i'm so gu-niang until i see the video myself. AIYO!! tsk tsk.

btw..i'm in sch now... clearing hrs for student assistantship.


200++hrs to go...


Last Updated @ 12:34 PM


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Singapore Fashion Week - Host V.S FJBenjamin GUESS Part-time Position

i'll choose GUESS for sure la!
umm.. by chance, darl's friend, karen, somehow got this lobang.
she called me and ask me whether i'm interested.
of coz i'm interested la!
hah! really thanks to her.

the sad thing is, due to schwork, i cant promise them to work on wkdays.
so... am not a cfm permanent part-time staff there yet.
HOWEVER, it's a cfm thing that i'll help them during their mega sales at taka basement.
starting work at 16 oct. Whheee! at least something lar.

sch holiday has started..
but i dun seems to be having lotsa fun.
haf being slacking at home for few days, reporting to sch for student assistant.
and then today n tml slack again.
i wanna go out n dine.. and shop!
booo... no money no tok. wat do u expect? this is life.

upcoming event will be the IDA exhibition at EXPO.
am working from 12-9pm from 11-15oct EVERYDAY as grp leader.
grp leader sounds GOOD as a NAME but work scoop is SUCKY as a COCK. lol.
u'll hafta bring the grp of people to tour the whole of EXPO hall 3.
dun hafta tok n explain tho...
but u see... 12-9pm.. minus off break time... 8 hrs.
2-4 grps per hr.
meaning i've to walk 2-4 times ard expo hall 3 per hr.
the onli gd thing is they are offering at $8 per hr.
and u can exercise, slim down, view the exhibition over n over agn, and best of all... get paid!

then... w/o a day of resting...
16 oct... i'll hafta report to guess boutique to haf my training carried out.
work my ass off... then look forward to my off-day.
anyway, all i wish is to gain more experience from this tempt job offered by guess...
perform well during tat period of time... and make them consider to take me in as permanent part-time stuff there.

yes becky... hafta work hard now, fab reward will come later.

Last Updated @ 1:21 PM