
Y Respect my blog, because this is not your blog.
Love me, hate me, you decide.

the girl


23sep nineteen

cam-whore geek

still counting...

at 16 Dec 2008! :)

voice out!

Way back then

March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
January 2009


Designer: Tammy
Brushes: Juvenile Casualty, Inobscuro, At0mica, Echoica, Veredgf, Puzzle,
Fonts: Dafont, Juvenile Casualty
Image: Deviantart
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Adobe Photoshop CS

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

i'm confused.
extremely confused.

human are complicated animals.
worse than animals.
i rather be one of them in the zoo.
eat, slp, haf sex.
dun nid to think so much.

i jus wanna live my life to the fullest.
allow me pls?

Last Updated @ 10:45 PM


i went to riverisland interview today @ vivocity golden village.
ehh.. kinda screwed up...
yaya.. i noe i'm lousy, forever screwing up interviews.
usual stuff.. hahaha.. jus something for me to luff over with.
i kept smiling like an idiot... and bubbling-dunno-what coz the interview is like so professionally held which i dun expect tat. moreover, i wasnt prepared. jus go there for fun. haha. try my luck.
a panel of 4 judges, which include 2DJs and 2 Crew from riverisland. woo~~

alright, i shd jus STOP justifying myself.
better try nx time.
so now i shall jus wait and see if i'm lucky enuff to be selected for the 2nd rd of interview since right eye lid had being twitching for the past 1 wk.

oh... i dun like shan wee... he stared at me like one m***** f***** / drug addict coz his dark eye circle is so bad.
ok. pardon him frm the nite shift he've got.
however, being a true blue 987fm listener, i seriously find his radio show kinda... dull.
ok. off to do ma work. tataz.

Last Updated @ 4:54 PM


Monday, November 27, 2006

Little knowledge of depression

Everyone has felt sad at one time or another. Usually it is due to a disappointment, frustration or losing someone. Such sadness is normal. Time heals, the mood lifts and people continue to get on with their lives.

But in some people, depression can be so severe that it dominates their lives, preventing them from coping as they are used to. Depression of this degree is an illness and needs treatment.
WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION?The following are the most common symptoms of depression. If you experience 5 or more of these symptoms for 2 weeks or longer, you are probably depressed.

-Persistent sadness or feeling down or gloomy
-A loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed, such as socializing with friends and family, most of the day, nearly every day.
-Loss of appetite and loss of weight.
-Insomnia. For some people, on the contrary, they find that they are sleeping more than normal.
-Feeling restless and agitated more easily.
-Feeling tired and having little energy.
-Unable to concentrate and think clearly and thereby becoming indecisive.
-Feeling of worthlessness and quilt
-Recurrent thoughts of death

Last Updated @ 10:31 PM


Saturday, November 18, 2006

it's already more than 1 week since sch started.
felt so crappy.
felt so pressurized.
esp after attending sewing lesson. kns.

my aim for yr end result is high.
to at least get me the $2000 award, if not, i'll hafta consider taking up student assistantship again.

coz i may fall even harder.


study for future?


study for money?

i've no idea right now.
guess they makes no diff. haha.

oh ya... i almost forgot abt the materials i nid in year 3.
mayb i shd become a gold digger...
haha! neh~ i dun force myself to like dirty old men.
coz i onli adore animal like turtle or ah meng. WAHAHAHA...

study fashion...
or rather ART in general...
is really like a major investment for ppl in poor family like me.
but other than hands on and technical work, what can i do?
blame me for being stupid.
and so suay to be born in Singapore.

I love Singapore.
ya right. i say that on every 9th of august ONLY.

i'm just a flip flop wearing, starbucks slurping teenage girl.

Last Updated @ 11:21 PM


Monday, November 13, 2006

y ppl can haf all the money in the world but i cant?

i need it more than them.

not for leisure.

not for my favourite poka dots dress.

not for any magazines.

but my school fees... to shut the biatch in hse now.

Last Updated @ 10:37 PM


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

recently went to places which serve food in BIG portion.

newyork newyork at citylink is one of them.
lazy to post the pic :P
coz it was kinda inconvenient for me.
but the food and service was okay.
the price of the food reflect on the BIG BIG portion.
even the root beer itself... -_-
and most creative of all... they let their customers make their own candy floss!!!
nice updated pop songs are played.
pretty nice experience!
rate: 7.5/10.

then.. today i finally tried carls jr.
wah lao..
the burger is like 2x the mcd's burger can.
heavy and bulky. LOL.
i had the crispy swiss chicken bacon burger combo.. (something like tat lar.)
the best part is the veggie which goes together w/ the burger is fresh~! yum yum
and i managed to finish! :) (dun forget i'm a big eater. lol!)
the fries serve w/ juicy beef sauce was quite tasty as well.
average $9+ to $10+ per meal.
u mite tink it's costly... but i tell u, it can last u the rest of the day.
rate: 6.5/10 (coz it's fast food afterall.)

Last Updated @ 10:19 PM